Traditional Chinese Acupuncture in the heart of Rovaniemi
Welcome to Traditional Chinese Acupuncture treatment in the centre of Rovaniemi.
Acupuncture is always personal and is based on communication between the practitioner and the patient. I will listen your story and I will respect it. I will try to examine your situation from a larger perspective. Maybe we will find other solutions to your problem along with acupuncture
The price is 67 euros per one treatment.
You can also buy a card for three sessions, which costs 186 euros.
Acupuncture with cupping costst 80 euros
– this is very relaxing treatment and you won`t probably want to do anything the next day.
Acupuncture in Rovaniemi
Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for various health problems. It has helped me to live a healthier life with this difficult rheumatoid arthritis that I have. Of course, I also use other techniques to keep my body/mind/spirit in good condition like doing taiji every morning. So, for me, acupuncture is more than needling. It is a possibility to examine the way to live both a physically and mentally good life. The basis of my ethics and philosophy is nature. I am a natural philosopher and have been interested in the connection between human beings and nature since I was a child. We, people, are also nature. Not just part of it but our bodies are nature, so we can access the knowledge of nature via ourselves.
We are all the same and at the same time, we are individuals that differ from other individuals depending on how we have lived our lives. Many things affect our health including our social life, education, profession, the historic time we are living now, and eating habits….
I am an educated acupuncturist and I am constantly studying more of this very interesting way of seeing a human being as part of nature.
I am part of the Association of Professional Acupuncturists, Akupunktioammattilaiset ry.
Please don`t hesitate to ask me more if you have any questions concerning acupuncture.
Pia-Krista Rimppi
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture in the centre of Rovaniemi
Contact information
Koskikatu 18 A 3
96200 Rovaniemi
tel. +358 40 087 6874